Saturday, May 14, 2011

Warm Fuzzies Wellington: Illustraion Job

This is the cover image from a pamphlet for the Warm Fuzzies Wellington project;
This was a really great illo job for Dr Willemijn Vermaat's Warm Fuzzies project
with all the lovely folks at the Sustainability Trust.
I made six pen and ink drawings of this character design.
The Trust is a great charity that helps people who can't afford better heating and 
insulation, sometimes it's just a matter of advice and education, sometimes it might
just take a set of thermal curtains and fresh carpeting. In fact if you have any curtains
you don't want please contact the trust as they accept these in donation and then
fit thermal material to them to give to people.



I did this poster pro bono  publico for a person in Wellington who was tied up with
this Zombie Walk "event", or what in the seventies they used to call a "happening".
The last Zombie Walk was attacked in the media as being in bad taste. As I 
understand it the ZW tried to provide a charitable angle to the event. Unfortunately
the illness they tried to support must have been ill-chosen as some victims and their
representatives rallied against the ZW charity drive as being insensitive to the symptoms.
Sort of amusing really, but a shame as it tarnished the walk rather badly.
I'd have thought the illness they should have supported would be Zombism, or at least 
the victims of such in Haiti. Some of whom must still be around, and even if they're not
a Zombie dowry to Haiti would seem by far the best charitable target.

The Holy Coast: poster art.